TEC axis
Developing breakthrough technological solutions
Axis definition
The TASE research program aims to develop original technological solutions and accelerate their deployment for high-efficiency photovoltaics and flexible, resilient energy networks. These technologies will aim to be cost-effective, while limiting their social and environmental impact and the use of critical materials. Ultimately, they should help to strengthen France’s industrial potential.
Challenges and expectations
Direct current networks are original solutions for the massive integration of renewable energy sources. The program will define the architectures, functionalities and power electronics converters for flexible, resilient medium-voltage direct-current networks, particularly suited to the massive integration of renewable energy sources into electricity distribution networks.
The high variability of renewable energy sources and new energy uses calls for increased forecasting and control of phenomena on a large spatial and temporal scale. Smart grids, the convergence of digital technology and energy, are the proposed solution for this. Their widespread deployment requires innovative methods and technologies for fast, secure processing of the data produced in real time and in very large numbers.
For photovoltaic technologies, all-silicon components are reaching their limits in terms of efficiency and recycling. The research program is therefore aimed at the emergence of new cell technologies with very high efficiency and a low environmental footprint. At the same time, solutions are being proposed at module level to ensure eco-design and recyclability. The lifespan of emerging technologies will be assessed using advanced modeling and characterization techniques.
TEC projects

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